There was a risk that changing the culture within RTGBI would be like trying to turn an oil tanker. This past year, one of the National Board's goals was to work with Members, the National Council and expert consultants to produce a simple and concise 3-year plan for RTGBI. The plan has been developed through; social media engagement, workshops, discussion with the National Council, and supplemented by initial feedback from the membership survey. (Find the survey results here)
The membership survey results meant that the National Board could finalise a 3-year plan. It gives a clear output-based approach to the priorities for the board and will be a core part of the association’s governance for the next 3-years and hopefully beyond. We hope the plan will be reviewed and adapted at the start of each Table year to ensure there is a common plan that extends beyond the usual Round Table ‘one-yearisms’.
Now at the start of the 24/25 Table year, we can report that a number of objectives have already been ticked off. There have been several highly motivated Tablers undertaking a project of membership growth. The Programme and Membership teams started to deliver a blueprint for membership growth that aligned almost perfectly with what the 3-year plan sets out to deliver.
The initial goal of the strategic objective: ‘By 2027, Round Table Great Britain and Ireland will be a relevant, young man’s organisation for 3,000 diverse members’. Will need to be reassessed given the successful membership growth this year, +750 new members creating a net growth for 23/24! The new objective has been raised to 3500 diverse members by 2027. However, there is still more to be done with regard to the diversity of membership. During this weekend's conference, we had an engaging lecture from our keynote speaker, Joanne Lockwood of See Change Happen, helping us learn how to lead with inclusion and nurture an environment for belonging. We look forward to building on this advice and producing insights for Tables to help challenge their perspectives.
Below is an update of the 3-year plan showing some of the things we have delivered already in green, projects started in yellow and still to be considered in red. Steve and the National Board welcome any feedback on the plan so that we can continue to adopt, adapt and improve as we build a Round Table for Today. It isn’t an oil tanker we were trying to steer, it’s a juggernaut and we are steering it toward making a Round Table for today.