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Round Table to work with CALM to battle male loneliness and suicide

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

Round Table Great Britain and Ireland’s (RTBI) incoming President, Matt Fallon announced last weekend, that the national association of nearly 3,000 young men would be working with and supporting CALM (the Campaign Against Living Miserably), throughout his time in office.

During his inaugural speech as President at the 2022 RTBI Conference in Birmingham on Saturday, Matt Fallon commented that: “The last two years have deprived us of so much. It’s time to be brave, it’s time to have the confidence to explore the matters that affect us, it’s time to stop the fact that suicide is the largest killer of men under 45. Round Table loses three members a year to suicide – it must end.”

Adding to this he said: “During Mental Health Awareness Week, which started yesterday, CALM are focused on the fact that awareness is nothing without action. Here at Round Table we are taking action for both our members and those interested in joining us. With the movement focused on the importance of men’s mental health, RTBI will work with, support and be supported by CALM over the coming year through mental health education, training and workshops.”

Simon Gunning, CEO, CALM said: "We're so grateful for RoundTable’s incredible support. Demand for our helpline services has never been higher. In the last five years the number of visits to CALM’s website has more than doubled, and in 2021 our helpline answered a call for help every 59 seconds. That’s over a million minutes of talking to people about topics such as health worries, financial stress, anxiety, relationship concerns and loneliness. RoundTable’s support will mean that we can continue to be there for anyone who is struggling, no matter what."

During the 2022 Annual Conference and AGM in Birmingham, Matt Fallon was invested as National President whilst Chris Bush took on the role of National Vice President. Former President Paul Thompson stood down after his year focused on the Round Table’s place as an organisation that is Rooted in Community.

Matt concludes: “Round Table at its most fundamental level is a safe place to gather with like-minded individuals, share good times and support our communities. We all know someone who is lonely, and we as an organisation are here to reach out to those people, welcome them with open arms and support them through the tough times. Whether you are interested in films or flying; sport or gaming; beer or charitable work – if you are 18-45 we or our sister organisation Ladies Circle have a place for you and would love to tell you more.”

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Round Table is part of the Round Table family, which is a group of secular, non political organisations supporting people in communities across the UK and Ireland.


Round Table (RTBI) is a young man / men's club for those aged between 18 and 45. RTBI supports charities, the local community and its individual members through friendship and brotherhood. As part of the Round Table Family, RTBI is an inclusive organisation open to all individuals no matter their age or gender identification. To find out more visit our FAQs page or Contact Us.



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