This year Anthony Nolan celebrates 50 years of helping save lives through their stem cell register. Throughout this whole time, Tables across the country have supported them the whole way. From Broadstairs Round Table making a £20,000 donation in 1974 to get the register started, to RTBI raising £1m as a National Campaign in our 50th year and, in 1986, Tables running a 6-week campaign that resulted in getting an additional 100,000 new donors on the Anthony Nolan register!
I know that many Tables already choose Anthony Nolan as a cause to support every year (and rightly so), continuing the close relationship Table has had over the 50 years, they have been helping save lives through their stem cell register.
As Anthony Nolan celebrates their 50th Anniversary this year, it felt an obvious and fitting choice as the charity to support during my year as National President. It would be fantastic if Tables and Tablers across the country could help maintain the strong bond we have with Anthony Nolan.
Cancer impacts us all in one way or another, and for those that were at the National Conference, they will have heard former member of Warrington Round Table Iain Richardson talk about his experiences of having lived with cancer, this really hit home the importance of working together to try to defeat it. You can read Iain’s story (attached).
I REALLY hope that Tables decide to support this endeavour and get behind a charity that has had such as long relationship with Round Table.
So how can you help?
Raise money to help Anthony Nolan save lives:
In our 50th year (1987) we raised over £1m for Anthony Nolan! Recognising different times and calls for support from different much deserving causes, I have set a target of £120,000 this year. This funds Anthony Nolan to get 3,000 additional names onto the register (one for each member of RTBI).
We can achieve this target by each Table raising £500 or each member raising £40. I know some clubs are going gangbusters organising events, from beer festivals to Round Table Rocks!, and dedicating the money raised to Anthony Nolan. I know this isn’t possible for all Tables – many already have a full agenda, in this case it would be great if you can find a way to dedicate funds from an existing event – maybe a percentage of fireworks, or a couple of nights from Sleigh?
As a starting point, how about getting behind ‘2km a day in June? A great way to get out and #movemore whilst raising money for charity, or how about your Table doing it as a group? You can find out more here: 2km a Day in June | Anthony Nolan
2. Grow the Register to help Anthony Nolan save lives and keep families together
If you are under 30, then sign up to become a donor . Anthony Nolan needs more young men (age 16-30) to sign up as donors and become lifesavers, young men supply 55% of all donations, but only make up 18% of the register!. The register has 900,000 names on at present, Anthony Nolan have a target to grow this to 100,000. A massive challenge as donors need to be under 30 (stem cells from younger donors have a much higher success rate). So, just like Table, donors are continually ‘aging out.’
They need more, young people (especially men) to sign up each year.
3. Raise Awareness, get involved - #DoMore
Spread the word, let everyone know about Anthony Nolan on Social Media and let everyone know about the fantastic work you are doing. Each Table has a social media channels, this is a superb powerful network that can give Anthony Nolan reach into our local areas. You can help getting word out and helping diversify the register through reach into your community.
Over 30 and still want to help Anthony Nolan directly? No problem, volunteer – they have a massive range of volunteer roles depending on the commitment you’re able to give. These range from Online Community Champions, helping running events through to volunteer couriers (local, national and international travel!)
Want to understand more about the impact Anthony Nolan has on lives and families? Take a few minutes to watch this video on YouTube
Please, get involved, #DoMore. Let’s help Anthony Nolan save even more lives and keep more families together.
If you have any questions about how your Table can support Anthony Nolan this year please get in touch.
Steve Eccles
Great Dunmow & District Round Table 768
National President, Round Table Great Britain & Ireland