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Meet - Liam Bauckman

Tabler, Liam grew up in Somerset and has lived and worked in several cities across the UK. He has attended Round Table events around the country and enjoyed a warm welcome each time. He finds Round Table helps him to forge friendships wherever he goes.

Liam said: “As someone put it to me, the Round Table is made up of the best mates that you never knew you had.”

From May 2020 to 2022, Liam was the Communications Officer for the Round Table of Great Britain and Ireland. He said: “I put my name forward to become national communications officer because I saw an opportunity to help bring change to the Round Table and make improvements.”

Today he lives in Hertfordshire with his partner, Jess, and a Romanian rescue-dog, called Nala.

Q&A with Liam

Tell Me About Yourself…

I grew up on a council estate in Yeovil, Somerset. I started out with a career in IT and it wasn’t until I was about 21 that I accidentally discovered a love for filmmaking. After a few years of seeing it as nothing more than a hobby, I decided to try to make a living out of it. Aged 26, I enrolled at film school in Newport film school, where I met my business partner. We graduated in 2013 and set up Clear As Day Productions.

We’ve worked hard and today we run a successful company. We’ve built up a client-base through word-of-mouth and have been able to increasingly invest in equipment and people.

What started as a hobby became an obsession and now it’s my job. Our work has taken us from military simulation games to mountain tops in Switzerland.

Why did you decide to join Round Table?

I was shown an advert for the Round Table in my local paper, but I had my reservations at first. I thought perhaps it would be a bit weird. I then reread it and saw they were shooting guns the very next day. I got in touch and have never looked back! I got on really well with people I met there. I’ve moved around the country a lot and it can take time to make friends. Now, as soon as I move, I check out the local Round Table and hang out with the members. I often find we have things in common and I quickly feel part of the group.

What do you like about Round Table?

The camaraderie: it’s a good way to get to know people get to know people easily and quickly. We traditionally have a social event together every two weeks and I like the discipline and routine of the organisation. I know if we were simply a group of friends planning trips out, it would be less likely to take place. However, we are invested and committed as group to meet up. It’s a social circle and it provides opportunities to give back to the local community.

Would you recommend Round Table to others and why?

I would recommend the Round Table to anyone who wants to meet new people, form friendships and make and a difference to their community. I’ve been to Round Table socials all over the country, where I didn’t know anyone, and was treated like a regular member. It’s a great way to socialise and we all have something in common because of the Round Table.

Round Table (RTBI) is a national association of local young man / men's club for those aged between 18 and 45. RTBI supports charities, the local community and its individual members through friendship and brotherhood. As part of the Round Table Family, RTBI is an inclusive organisation open to all individuals no matter their age or gender identification. To find out more visit our FAQspage or Contact Us.



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